[6/5, 7:18 PM] Patient Adv 59M CAD Metabolic:
Must be read by all the upcoming batches
Hello to all pg aspirants
This is from one of the most frustrated guy from an INSTITUTE in an area far far away from civilization.
Apart from the reputation of this college , i wanted everyone of you to know the harsh reality and the hardships postgraduates face in this college
We cannot even call it a college , we can call it as an institution with no morals and no sympathy towards students .
College is full of rules and regulations , and the toxicity extent is unmeasured
the day starts with fear of even waking up to go to college and a negative vibe just even after entering the gate
Let me talk about the rules
1. College has 2 gates which should be crossed before 8:05 in the morning or u will be made to stand out of the college gate for 40 mins before they allow inside the gate
2. There is a class from 8-9 which is known as aetcom and we have to attend it , which is of extremely no use to us , even for this class we have to go into the class by 8:10 or else doors will be closed even if u are standing at the gate . They will close the room door on ur face and Pg’s should beg to open the door again .
3. There is a dress code and every one should wear an id card , if u mistakenly forgot ur id card security wont even allow us inside the gate , the security guards number is some 10 members at both gates and they will have more power in the college than professors, they will make u write in a register if u are late .
4. If u are seen without id card and apron a memo will be issued to Pg’s and if we receive few memos they will suspend us by having a committee on the individual. Even to park a vehicle inside the gate there is a sticker to a car and the car or bike should be owned by the individual or parents , even if the car is on siblings name they wont give the sticker . They will make every postgraduate wait for few months to issue a sticker. They will keep on saying not available now.
5. There will be lot hell of documentation and lot of work to do in short a department will receive nearly 20 circulars to 25 circulars in a single month regarding rules and regulations , if we just want to oppose them they wont even let us speak and will trash us down with no basic respect.
6. There will be atcom everyday ,meets weekly thrice where various departments will be participating one after another over the year and every professor comes from all departments and bash the pg who is presenting developing a sense of uselessness and feeling of unworthy to the individual. Which is kind of disturbing , and it will be a humiliation before every one nearly 120 or 130 people
7. The college timings are from 8-6 and security wont even allow us to pass the gate even before one minute before 6 , but the faculty will be there from 9-4 only , even after a tiring day they will expect us to study in the campus from 4-6 where most of us will be exhausted and we cant even find a room to sleep in , op rooms will also be closed by 4:30 and we rome in the campus with zero energy and tons of sweat pushing over due to the extreme heat in this area even after repeatedly asking the management about timings they wont even speak a word to us
8. Even basic facilities like drinking water and washrooms are also not available to the postgraduates here
9. Coming to the departments , there are very few departments with faculty , there are few departments which is just managed by only one professor with no assistants and associates . Taking in par to the pg curriculum there is a significant shortage of staff in every department and there are complete empty wards present inside the campus
10. Every 1st and 3 rd Friday exam will be conducted to all postgraduates and few departments will take strict action if score is less
11. Clg is very strict regarding the fee and if we will not pay the fee or submit bank guarantee within the time , they will not even allow us to speak regarding our issues and not even permit a single day of delay , our juniors are made to stand out of the gate for nearly 2 hours without even listening to them and send them back by blocking off the biometrics if fee is not paid . Extra fee without receipt is collected from Pg’s and no reason is given to it . They will be asking our entire three years of fee in first year itself.
12. There will be a book in casualty which has night duty Pg’s names in it , the concerned candidate should sign it before 8:10 or a memo is issued to it . Security will take attendance of all Pg’s in night duties thrice a day and will mark us absent if they don’t find us even for which a memo is issued . There are no dinner breaks from the past 1 month , we will be provided with a coupon where we can claim only uttapam dosa and meals in the night ,which is very heinous of them as departments which have more duties will be seen suffocating inside the clg .
13. There are no proper duty rooms , even fans wont work in many of the rooms . They wont let us keep our own coolers of air conditioners even if we say them we will bear the entire electricity bill of the particular room . Most of the post graduates sleep on chairs in places where air conditioners are available and some sleep on floor as there is no option left. Female Pg’s cry their heart out if they get their periods as no proper washrooms are available in the college.
14. After the night duty they wont allow us to leave the campus before 8:45 . How can a person work from 8-8:45 the next day without any basic facilities provided and duty rooms will he closed in the morning . We cannot go out of the campus or use duty rooms if we get sick and thrive in op itself even u have no energy left in your body
15. Every one of us joins pg with LOT OF DREAMS and better future but every individual here is in depression and many has suicidal tendencies due to harsh rules , many postgrads are into drugs to get out of this stress imposed by the college . There is no proper equipment in all the departments and they will just make us do all the paper work without teaching us . Which is of no use
16. They wont give us stipends even after we do lot of work to the college and there is no basic respect to the doctors in the college
17. During the admissions they will give false promises to parents to get admissions as the management is very greedy about money . MD wont allow any pg near him to speak about the issues facing inside the college
18. Clg will directly blackmail Pg’s with some words such as :- UR PRACTICAL MARKS ARE UNDER OUR CONTROL , and we will fail u if u speak a word
19. An year ago college made many Pg’s fail intentionally due to very minute mistakes committed by them
20. Attendance is strictly monitored and not even a single day is an excuse in the college
Many of our parents also suffer if we study here and we will get nothing out of it and we will turn out to be a heartless stones by the end of final year.
So please make u enquire properly before keeping this college as an option in the list of counselling
This is the pain of entire students here and we are helping others not to join in the hell and suffer as we are suffering now.
[6/5, 7:42 PM] Cfhe IIT: Please worry about how to improve patient out comes
[6/5, 7:46 PM] Cfhe IIT: Hi @Patient Adv 59M CAD Metabolic why are you disturbing all in the group with hate speeches. Can you think of any solution instead of spreading hate speech I feel this is a platform to discuss pajr, patient outcomes please kindly don't post such messages.
[6/5, 7:48 PM] Cfhe IIT: I don't like adult people who are always crying instead of facing the problems and solving them. I think that you are a leadership material but now I am forced to change my opinion about you.
[6/5, 7:50 PM] Academic LLM : I feel it's important for all of us to realize what our team members are going through else we can't achieve QI without addressing these issues.
[6/5, 7:54 PM] Cfhe IIT: I agree with you sir. But can we solve problems instead of complaining. I want to share one of my observations Our sisters in icu have a 10 liter water can they get water every day because they cannot buy water bottles. They offered me water when I had the same problem. They solved the problem.
[6/5, 7:54 PM] Cfhe IIT: We can achieve alot if we can start solving problems instead of complaining, non cooperation etc it only exposes over insecurities.
[6/5, 7:55 PM] Academic LLM : So how do we solve the PGs problems and make them happier learners?
[6/5, 7:57 PM] Academic LLM : 👆Can we try to solve the 20 problems listed here with consensus of all the PGs?
[6/5, 7:58 PM] Cfhe IIT: I am working on a solution already but want to engage problem solvers with leadership skills creamy layer not much worried about others soon you will see the implementation
[6/5, 7:59 PM] Cfhe IIT: I have sent an email today to management
[6/5, 8:02 PM] Cfhe IIT: People should be happy from inside it's not our job to please them or make them happy. We can take care of better learning if some one is willing to collaborate all others probably drain your energy better not worry too much
[6/5, 8:05 PM] Cfhe IIT: I met some good people in our team were really good happy no matter what happens out side disturbs them
[6/5, 8:05 PM] 10PushComm21: Management already knows all these issues from the start and nothing wil change with an email
This is ... and there will never be a change which will make a student happy or no rule will be implemented to make student life better
They only try to make our life miserable
[6/5, 8:08 PM] Cfhe IIT: I liked you when you were very honest with me, I saw you jumping ahead to serve patients i felt good about you. All this denial thoughts stopping you from reaching your full potential
[6/5, 8:10 PM] Cfhe IIT: I spoke to security people day before yesterday got their version why they were rude before going home just to find out why they are behaving like that
[6/5, 8:11 PM] Unknown Medical Student: Can you also stop complaining on why Pgs are complaining and instead solve problem or be a happy learner 😅
[6/5, 8:11 PM] Cfhe IIT: We also did same you did with out any hassle
[6/5, 8:14 PM] Cfhe IIT: First 4 days I did not take bath, first day I was thrown out made to stand out side under hot sun got sun stroke, never got good cooperation just got who ru looks from every one? But slowly I solved lot of these same problems very comfortably doing my work
[6/5, 8:16 PM] Cfhe IIT: I slept on the floor and sneaked into college thanks 2021 pg helped me to get inside thanks to him.
[6/5, 8:16 PM] 2021 PG: Because u have nothing to loose from this college if u go against the management
[6/5, 8:16 PM] Pg 2021: There is no version or reason to allow them to be rude with doctors who are working overtime and already overburdened
They talk to us like we are their servants
Why should it be such a hassle for us to even go for lunch or even leave campus after our hectic day of work
Security never stop a patient attender shouting on us they only stop us from entering campus or leave campus
They are not appointed for protecting us rather the reverse happens in our campus and we should all putup with those harsh words from security because they have the higher authority than a treating doctor or faculty here
Please dont tell us there is an explanation for it and u found out their version
[6/5, 8:18 PM] Cfhe IIT: We had same experience initial days but we sorted them out
[6/5, 8:18 PM] Cfhe IIT: I had doctors in my team as well
[6/5, 8:19 PM] Cfhe IIT: We were very happy have good relationship with security guys, management doing our work with out disturbing any one
[6/5, 8:20 PM] Cfhe IIT: You should get some Rejection therapy to get out of stress
[6/5, 8:26 PM] Unknown Medical Student: I only see how a monkey is trained set in a cage
Just like in five monkey experiment
[6/5, 8:31 PM] 2020 Med Pg: As u are in very good terms with college,the only thing which makes a huge difference in PG’s life in the hospital is letting them out at 4:00pm
Can u make that one change in the college ??(Then everyone will be a happy learners)
[6/5, 8:32 PM] Unknown Medical Student: He can only learn sir he cannot solve 🥲
[6/5, 8:45 PM] Cfhe IIT: I don't care much about you politics I care about patient outcomes my team I will do anything for them including the above not much worried about others
[6/5, 8:48 PM] Cfhe IIT: Don't have any intention of draining my energy
[6/5, 8:49 PM] 2020 Pg: @ sir
What is ur opinion on making PG’s to stay till 6:00pm,When they are already drained out by 4:00pm
Their effective usage of time got shrunken
We can solve 80% of PG’s Problems.
[6/5, 8:50 PM] Pushed Communicator 1N22: Finally u got the thing
U r no way related to the issues here and u dont have to drain your energy
U just stay hungry over and for your work and not ours
[6/5, 8:54 PM] Cfhe IIT: 🙏 sure bro
[6/5, 10:09 PM] Patient Adv 59M CAD Metabolic: That's a forwarded message in medical group.
Thanks for free advice anyways
[6/5, 10:17 PM] Patient Adv 59M CAD Metabolic: Let's start by your startup clearing PGs financial and academic debts and addressing their personal and professional issues.
We will write an MOU for your startup for lifelong free service
[6/5, 10:19 PM] Cfhe IIT: Try to evolve Anyone can complain list all problems, and cry like a baby be a man solve some problems 👍 be confident I have solved lot of these problems if you want consultation on problem solving available per hour fee basis 😀
[6/5, 10:20 PM] Patient Adv 59M CAD Metabolic: Well said.
This year a 56year old cleared and joined MBBS.
We support you to be the next guy.
And then clear NEET PG as well after 6 or 7 years
[6/5, 10:24 PM] Cfhe IIT: Why to study when I can collaborate with good doctors or hire them I don't reinvent the wheel only immature kids do it
[6/5, 10:24 PM] Cfhe IIT: I don't care much about degrees I respect person with problem solving abilities
[6/5, 10:26 PM] Patient Adv 59M CAD Metabolic: Okay.
[6/7, 9:40 AM] Academic LLM : 👆Did a long thematic analysis around this PG's outcry and subsequent posts around it here and just sharing the biased learning summary from that analysis:
"Here (and I guess in most private medical colleges), the problem with the management is they are student centered and a few slow learners (unfortunately a judgemental term, better could be unmatched learners), keep them on their toes everyday as they try to engage in all kinds of draconian student reforms discussed in the forwarded message yesterday to tighten the noose around those unmatched learners! My guess is 80% of matched learners have to pay the price for 20% of those unmatched.
On the other hand if they had taught students to focus on patients all these student problems could have been resolved so easily as then both would be working together on the same side of the table for the benefit of the primary beneficiary of medical education (patient)?
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