Sunday, September 15, 2024

UDLCO dyadic: Integrative medicine and the Brahmarandhra shikha jhuttu as Sushruta's adimarma point linking the individual jeevatma to the universal whole (paramatma)

Summary: The Brahmarhandhra epitomizes a transition point joining the inner universe of the individual body (jeevatma) and all it's internal medicine events driven by genes to the outer universe and it's external medicine driven by the whole (paramatma)!

Conversational Transcripts:

[15/09, 06:47] Gene: Including this in my TEDX talk 😊 just kidding

[15/09, 06:48] Gene: Here is what I think is a true story. ... had one of these: what in Kannada is referred to as “jutu” and he was unable to cut it and come to Bangalore and study physics. He went to Mysore instead and did economics. His younger brother cut it and became a famous physicist. Check the story out, from what I know it’s true 😊

[15/09, 06:53] Scribe: Didn't realise the jutu had a protective role!

[15/09, 06:54] Scribe: Him?👇

[15/09, 06:56] Gene: B V Sreekantan, TIFR director and I think Bhaba’s first PhD student

[15/09, 07:02] Scribe: Quoting from wiki:

fifth of eight sons and three daughters born to the Pandit couple, whose Telugu speaking ancestors had migrated from Andhra Pradesh to Karnataka. B. V. Pandit, an Ayurvedic physician by profession and the formulator of Nanjagud Ayurvedic Dental Powder, was scholastically inclined and maintained a home library that helped Sreekantan develop a reading habit from an early age. Sreekantan attended the local high school in Nanjangud and completed his intermediate degree course at Mysore. He secured his graduate degree in physics, with honours, in 1946 and completed his master's degree the following year, specializing in Wireless communication, from Mysore University.

[15/09, 07:03] Gene: Indeed

[15/09, 07:06] Gene: Think he came to central college Bangalore where Raman taught

[15/09, 07:10] Scribe: This is the kind of "integrative medicine" collaboration we 

"At NIAS, he was involved in the studies related to the application of physics and mathematical tools in processing biological systems, along with R. L. Kapur, a notable psychiatrist"

Do you know anyone in physics department, Raman research institute who may be interested in patient centered learning? I have a hunch if we can get physicists interested in patients we could fast track our goal

[15/09, 07:11] Gene: Am thinking how to mention these ideas, my TEDX talk is in the evening

[15/09, 07:13] Scribe: If I see your presentation I may be able to suggest

[15/09, 07:14] Scribe: This book 👇

Nature’s Longest Threads: New Frontiers in Mathematics and Physics of Information in Biology

... may have some leads

[15/09, 07:23] Gene : One of the versions of the presentation 

[15/09, 07:33] Scribe: 👏last three slides where you mention network, provides ample ground on expanding on an integrative health ontology creation. 

Ontology itself means to integrate different elements (abstract and real) and is derived from the concept of yoga which means to yoke or join all parts to create a whole. 

So in the end we could integrate the process of scientific reductionism where we dismantle (shiva) and humanistic integration where we join everything back (Brahma) and this process is maintained by manager Vishnu!

[15/09, 07:35] Gene : Yes, should I just become a rishi 🤔😊

[15/09, 07:36] Scribe: Rishis were exactly that!

[15/09, 07:39] Scribe: Being a patient is the first step to embrace patient centred learning

[15/09, 07:46]Scribe: You can devote one slide to talk about that experience either in the beginning or middle or end

[15/09, 07:46] Gene : Yes mulling on it

[15/09, 08:38] Gene : Can you verify the picture and story that I shared from WhatsApp university ? How does one include it in a knowledge framework discussion if one decides to.

[15/09, 09:33] Scribe: @⁨Meta AI⁩ please share some studies on the vedic concept of brahmarhandra that is often the root of a pony tail worn by Indian Brahmins. Please validate your statements with study references

[15/09, 09:33] Meta AI: The Brahmarandhra, also known as the Brahmrandhra or Adhya Shakti, is a concept in Hinduism and Vedic tradition that refers to the crown of the head, believed to be a gateway to higher states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

Here are some studies and references that explore the concept of Brahmarandhra:

1. "The Concept of Brahmarandhra in Ayurveda and Yoga" by R. S. Bhattacharya (2013) - This study explores the significance of Brahmarandhra in Ayurvedic and Yogic traditions, highlighting its role in spiritual growth and self-realization. [1]

2. "Brahmarandhra: The Gateway to Higher Consciousness" by S. S. Rao (2018) - This article discusses the Brahmarandhra as a symbol of spiritual aspiration and its connection to the pineal gland, which is believed to be the seat of higher consciousness. [2]

3. "The Role of Brahmarandhra in Kundalini Yoga" by Swami Satyananda Saraswati (1984) - This study examines the significance of Brahmarandhra in Kundalini Yoga, where it is believed to be the point of entry for the ascending Kundalini energy. [3]

Regarding the pony tail worn by Indian Brahmins, known as the "Shikha," it is believed to be a symbol of their spiritual aspirations and a way to preserve the Brahmarandhra, allowing for the flow of spiritual energy. However, I couldn't find specific studies that directly link the Shikha to the Brahmarandhra concept.


[1] Bhattacharya, R. S. (2013). The Concept of Brahmarandhra in Ayurveda and Yoga. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 4(3), 151-156.

[2] Rao, S. S. (2018). Brahmarandhra: The Gateway to Higher Consciousness. International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences, 7(1), 1-6.

[3] Saraswati, S. S. (1984). Kundalini Yoga. Bihar School of Yoga.

Please note that while these studies provide insights into the concept of Brahmarandhra, they may not be empirical research papers but rather scholarly articles and spiritual texts.

[15/09, 09:38] Scribe: @⁨Meta AI⁩ are there any references to Sushruta describing the scalp below the shikha as adhipati marma, which represents the brahmarandhra? Please share those references

[15/09, 09:38] Meta AI: Yes, there are references to Sushruta describing the scalp below the Shikha as Adhipati Marma, which represents the Brahmarandhra. Here are a few sources that mention this:

1. Sushruta Samhita, Sharira Sthana, Chapter 6, Verse 13-14: This ancient Ayurvedic text describes the Adhipati Marma as a vital point located at the crown of the head, below the Shikha. [1]

2. "Sushruta's Description of Marma Points" by K. R. Srikantha Murthy (2013): This article discusses Sushruta's classification of Marma points, including Adhipati Marma, which is located at the Brahmarandhra. [2]

3. "Marma Points in Ayurveda" by V. Bhavani Shankar (2018): This book mentions Adhipati Marma as one of the 107 Marma points described by Sushruta, located at the crown of the head, corresponding to the Brahmarandhra. [3]

4. "Ayurvedic Marma Therapy" by Avinash Lele (2005): This book describes Adhipati Marma as a vital point located below the Shikha, representing the Brahmarandhra, and discusses its significance in Marma therapy. [4]

Please note that these sources are based on ancient Ayurvedic texts and may not be readily available online. You may need to access them through academic libraries or Ayurvedic research institutions.


[1] Sushruta Samhita, Sharira Sthana, Chapter 6, Verse 13-14. (Translated by K. L. Bhishagratna, 1907)

[2] Murthy, K. R. S. (2013). Sushruta's Description of Marma Points. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 4(2), 75-81.

[3] Shankar, V. B. (2018). Marma Points in Ayurveda. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan.

[4] Lele, A. (2005). Ayurvedic Marma Therapy. Ayurveda Vidyalaya.

[15/09, 09:44] Scribe: In your slide you can use this image

As it has a Cc licence

You can summarise it from the integrative perspective as the transition point joining the inner universe of the individual body (jeevatma) and all it's internal medicine events driven by genes to the outer universe and it's external medicine driven by the whole (paramatma)!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

UDLCO: Ganesha, Shiva and the three lokas

UDLCO summary:

The conversations below try to explain the story of Shiva's killing of a child and subsequent head transplant with that of an elephant using different world views the last of which postulates that the three worlds or three lokas of Indian mythology could be simply the past, present and future!

UDLCO Transcripts:

[07/09, 22:09] SL: गणपति जी को नमन करने के बाद आप गुणी जनों से मैं एक बात पूछना चाहती हूँ । कृपया मुझे मूर्ख समझें पर उत्तर ज़रूर दें । 

शिव जी  आठ साल मैडिटेशन के बाद आये थे तब भी उन्होंने ग़ुस्से में एक बालक का सर काट दिया 
मैडिटेशन तो शांत होना सिखाता है और अपना बालक नहीं पता था तो क्या हुआ किसी का तो बालक था ।

और एक सर के बदले बेचारे अबोध हाथी का सर और काटना पड़ा ! 

ऐसा ग़ुस्सा किस काम का ? 

बल्कि कहानी यों होनी चाहिए थी कि एक राक्षस बालक को अंदर जाने के लिए विवश कर रहा था और उसने ग़ुस्से में बालक का सर काट दिया । मैडिटेशन करते हुए शिव जी को ये पता चलते ही वे वायु की गति से भी तेज़ वहाँ प्रकट हुए । उनको देख राक्षस ने हाथी का रूप धारण कर लिया मगर अपनी शक्ति से उस नीच का संहार कर के उन्होंने बालक पर वो हाथी रूप सर लगा दिया । 

बालक गणपति  गजानन हो गया । 

कृपया टिप्पणी अवश्य करें व मुझ अल्प बुद्धि को क्षमा करें । मैं शिव जी को गणपति को व आप सब को सादर प्रणाम करती हूँ 🙏

Google translation:

After paying obeisance to Lord Ganesha, I want to ask one thing from you virtuous people. Please consider me a fool but please reply. 

Even when Lord Shiva came after eight years of meditation, he cut off the head of a child in anger. 

Meditation teaches one to be calm and if one did not know one's own child then what if it was someone else's child.
And instead of one head, another head of the poor innocent elephant had to be cut off! 

What is the use of such anger? 

Rather, the story should have been that a demon was forcing the child to go inside and in anger he cut off the child's head.
As soon as Lord Shiva realized this while meditating, he appeared there faster than the speed of wind. Seeing them, the demon took the form of an elephant, but after killing that wretch with his power, he placed his head in the form of an elephant on the child.
Child Ganpati became Gajanan. 

Please do comment and forgive my lack of intelligence. I pay my respects to Lord Shiva, Ganpati and all of you.

[07/09, 22:11] SL: But this story of cutting two heads is defaming such a renowned Shiv jee - the great environmentalist , friends of all even disabled people ,  friends even with dangerous creatures like  snake & on top of all taking all the worries of world to himself by drinking poison. The inventor of Naad — dámroo , the inventor of dance & sooooo much revered because of his most noble actions !

[07/09, 22:15] RB: Here's the story optimised 👇

Think aliens

[08/09, 01:22] SL: Thanks for different perspective of the story . 

Actually, the gods of yore have always been replete with human failings. Not only those from the Hindu pantheon but Greek gods, Roma gods, the Norse gods and what have you. These gods had all the human traits of jealousy, vengefulness, lust and the occasional cunning. This probably bears out the sentiment that man was cast by God in his own image.

And these were ministers with different duties . 
The actual HE is Nature at its best is in every creature & is invisible unless you see with inner eye opened !

[08/09, 07:33] RB: The other hypothesis is that all these gods from Greece and Nordic tribes were the same but perceived and expressed different as per language and culture of the humans perceiving them. 

They evolved from the same humans who have been roaming the Earth for many thousands of years who later started getting identified with their geographical location once a large chunk stopped migrating for some time.

Those 'gods of small things' as opposed to HE were human time travelers from the future (a future where time had evolved to easily accommodate the past where one could frequent all the three lokas of past, present and future)!

[08/09, 10:54] RB: Just imagine you are a human on top of an adipocyte cell. How do you think the capillaries supplying your adipocyte cell and the capillaries supplying the rest of the other adipocytes in the tissue would appear to you? Would you be surprised to hear that you see them everyday?

Your adipocyte cell capillary would appear to you only in the daytime as the one and only Sun you can see and feel, which is actually a cross section of the capillary while at night all the other capillaries in the entire tissue would appear to you as glistening stars in the night sky also known as the Milky way.

Shiva returns with the trinity in response to the above:

[08/09, 10:38] K: যাহা আছে ব্রহ্মাণ্ডে/তাহা আছে দেহ ভাণ্ডে

What is in the universe is in the body

[08/09, 10:56] K: জড় চেতন জগ জীব যত, সকল রামময় জানি/
বন্দউ সবকে পদ কমল, সদা জোড়ি যুগ পানি//

শ্রী রামচরিত মানস

[08/09, 10:58] K: জড় কেও চৈতন্য এর প্রকাশ ভাবা হয়েছে 
অপ্রকাশিত চৈতন্য

All living beings in the material conscious world, is Rama in all the glory
Ramacharit Manas

[08/09, 10:58] K: Inanimate beings are thought to be manifestations of consciousness aka unmanifested consciousness

[08/09, 10:59] RB : Yes all objects are held together by conscious energy

[08/09, 11:00] K: According to vedanta, energy in it's pure form is devoid of consciousness though..

[08/09, 11:04] K: Brahman is the only and only one to be conscious...

All other things appearing conscious has his touch making them appear as conscious

[08/09, 11:04] K: In the above verse that Brahman has been referred to as RAM

[08/09, 11:24] RB: Yes and that non conscious state of darkness is the "shiva state" where he's sleeping and as per tantra only Devi can arouse him from his slumber

[08/09, 11:31] K: Devi is all pervading Brahman according to tantra

[08/09, 11:32] K: This she is the one and only one to be conscious according to tantra

[08/09, 12:00] RB: Also known as Narayani thus justifying the trinity!

Brahma created this illusion and game of non conscious shiva who sleeps while the game loads and conscious Narayani who is the representation of the game with in it's multiple avatars!

UDLCO: Gaia Galaxy

UDLCO summary:

Just imagine you are a human on top of an adipocyte cell. How do you think the capillaries supplying your adipocyte cell and the capillaries supplying the rest of the other adipocytes in the tissue would appear to you? Would you be surprised to hear that you see them everyday?

Your adipocyte cell capillary would appear to you only in the daytime as the one and only Sun you can see and feel, which is actually a cross section of the capillary while at night all the other capillaries in the entire tissue would appear to you as glistening stars in the night sky also known as the Milky way.

UDLCO Transcripts:

[07/09, 19:32] 55M Patient Advocate DM2 20 Yrs backache Days: 

Where are we in this map?

[07/09, 19:38] : We are individual universes sitting and living atop cells aka planets each supplied with capillaries (a cross section of which resembles the Sun) and one of those cells is our Earth supplied by a capillary that we call our Sun, which we have till now viewed only in cross sections. 

And this arrangement exists inside each of our bodies even as we think we dwell inside a giant body of our current universe as is visible to us outside our bodies

[07/09, 19:39] 55M Patient Advocate DM2 20 Yrs backache Days: Your response is more complex than the picture 🤣

[07/09, 19:40] : Yes I love to imagine how each cell inside us is a planet in the universe. With your pathology knowledge it should be simpler

[07/09, 19:41] 55M Patient Advocate DM2 20 Yrs backache Days: In support of you  American physicist Niel degrass also told ' the whole universe is inside you'

[07/09, 19:41] : Each galaxy is simply a cellular tissue cluster with multiple capillaries (suns in cross section)

[07/09, 19:42] : This is just a low power view of our adipose tissue

[07/09, 19:43] 55M Patient Advocate DM2 20 Yrs backache Days: But find out our location in the map👆🏼

[07/09, 19:43]: You mean our single adipocyte in this entire adipose tissue galaxy?

[07/09, 19:55] : You can spot our sun (capillary in cross section) in the picture as it lies near a small, partial arm called the Orion Arm, or Orion Spur, located between the Sagittarius and Perseus arms.

[07/09, 19:56] 55M Patient Advocate DM2 20 Yrs backache Days: Galactic pandemic of obesity 😀 sun is radiating  fat globules everywhere 😂

[07/09, 19:58]: Sun is a capillary in cross section that supplies adipocytes among other cells which have their own capillaries

The above is just a picture of the milky way ( perhaps adipose tissue) and the universe has many more tissues and organs.

To summarise the above Gaia galaxy hypothesis:

Just imagine you are a human on top of an adipocyte cell. How do you think the capillaries supplying your adipocyte cell and the capillaries supplying the rest of the other adipocytes in the tissue would appear to you? Would you be surprised to hear that you see them everyday?

Your adipocyte cell capillary would appear to you only in the daytime as the one and only Sun you can see and feel, which is actually a cross section of the capillary while at night all the other capillaries in the entire tissue would appear to you as glistening stars in the night sky also known as the Milky way.

More here about the Gaia hypothesis from it's popular reviver:

"When on the basis of this evidence, I reanimated the view that we were standing on a superorganism rather than just a ball of rock (Lovelock, 1972; 1979), it was not well received. Most scientists either ignored it or criticized it on the grounds that it was not needed to explain the facts of the Earth. As the geologist H. D. Holland (1984, p. 539) put it, ''We live on an Earth that is the best of all possible worlds only for those who are well adapted to its current state." The biologist Ford Doolittle (1981) said that keeping the Earth at a constant state favorable for life would require foresight and planning and that no such state could evolve by natural selection. In brief, scientists said, the idea was teleological and untestable. Two scientists, however, thought otherwise; one was the eminent biologist Lynn Margulis and the other the geochemist Lars Sillen. Lynn Margulis was my first collaborator (Margulis and Lovelock, 1974). Lars Sillen died before there was an opportunity. It was the novelist William Golding (personal communication, 1970), who suggested using the powerful name Gaia for the hypothesis that supposed the Earth to be alive.

In the past 10 years these criticisms have been answered—partly from new evidence and partly from the insight provided by a simple mathematical model called Daisy world. In this model, the competitive growth of light- and dark-colored plants on an imaginary planet are shown to keep the planetary climate constant and comfortable in the face of a large change in heat output of the planet's star. This model is powerfully homeostatic and can resist large perturbations not only of solar output but also of plant population. It behaves like a living organism, but no foresight or planning is needed for its operation."


Friday, July 26, 2024

UDLCO: Optimizing academia industry (education and practice) "Letters of recommendation, LORs"

UDLCO summary:

How students are represented by their trainers do have an impact on their subsequent trainers in decision making as to if they should be hired. There is a global industry that tries to create fake representations for students in the form of exceptionally highlighting qualities that the students may not possess and many teachers who cannot possibly connect personally with 200 students in a batch (as at a given time with 5 active batches that would mean 1000 students to personally interact with), most teachers may simply sign whatever is dished out to them as a draft. In an attempt to optimise this current decadent practice that does have pluses if done well, we tried to stream line the LOR process in an evidence based manner displaying the student's work with us locally, in the form of an online learning portfolio aka dynamic E log (as termed by NMC) to his her future global director/hirer/employer.

More about the NMC dynamic E log here:

UDLCO transcripts:

21/07, 04:07] Intern and past UG student: 

Hello Sir,
Good morning, hope you are doing fine.Can I have a letter of recommendation from you for the Internal Medicine  residency application in United States in  September 2024.It would be of great help if possible.
Thank you.

[21/07, 13:12] Professor: Here's how our LOR looks like 👇

We provide a link to your online learning portfolio in the lor so that the program director can also assess it

[22/07, 03:56] Intern and past UG student: Yes sir it will be a unique approach and will also be having credibility.Can I provide you with a draft of the letter  so that I can submit in the office  after your signature.

[22/07, 07:52] Professor: 

Please text me your draft

[22/07, 09:07] Intern and past UG student: 

Yes Sir I will text you.

Thank you !!!

[25/07, 07:11] Intern and past UG student: 

Dear Programme Director,

I am pleased to wholeheartedly recommend Dr...for admission to your esteemed program. 

Our institution offers a comprehensive medical education, encompassing undergraduate, graduate, and global elective programs. Dr...has been an integral part of our department since his second year of General Medicine rotations. 

His consistent engagement and exceptional performance have been meticulously documented in our department's online learning portfolio, accessible at [].

Dr...consistently ranks within the top 25% of his cohort of 2017 batch in our personal assessments. His abilities as a clinician are evident in both inpatient and outpatient settings, where he has excelled during his rotations and internship. His strong clinical acumen, coupled with his dedication to patient care, make him an exceptional candidate for your program.
I am confident that Dr... will continue to thrive in a challenging academic environment and make significant contributions to your institution.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

[25/07, 07:14] Intern and past UG student: 

Hello Sir 
I have sent the draft.
If needed I will send it in the form of document or PDF.

Thank you Sir.

[25/07, 08:35] Professor: Here are my edits below to what you shared and I had to delete a few statements you used because we can make those statements only for a few students in the top 1% in our assessment, who have particularly worked with us and created impact locally as well as globally through their publications with our team. 

Check out my edits below to what you shared 👇

Dear Programme Director,

Dear Program Director, I am pleased to write a letter of reference for his application for your program.

I am currently a full Professor in the Department of General Medicine at the Institute of Medical Sciences, from where Dr...trained as an undergraduate 
and other than a graduate residency training and undergraduate program, we also host a patient centred, global elective learning program.

Our department has known Dr..., since his second year General Medicine rotations, and he has interacted with us ever since in his group and most of his verbal
and non verbal interactions can be accessed from his online learning portfolio in our departmental (entry year wise) dashboard
here: at [], with comparable performances of his group members accessible from the same platform, where his performance in our
personal assessment ranks at the top 25% of his batch.

Our department can strongly attest to most of our students’ abilities as we've had the opportunity to oversee them in both the In-patient and Out-patient setting and work with them during their

We wish him well in this new learning journey in your own institutional program.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Dimensionality in learning adaptations

UDLCO summary : The inquiry into dimensionality in learning adaptations acknowledges that most academic learning has currently evolved into a process of objectively structuring subjective complex multidimensional real life data (blooms level 3-5) into a two dimensional space (blooms level 1 aka knowledge) that can be stored forwarded asynchronously and modeled conceptually to gain understanding (blooms level 2) through further analysis ( level 4) and evaluation (level 5) and then relooped into the learning ecosystem as creative communication/publication (level 6). This learning is cyclic and one can keep moving in and out of these levels at any entry or exit point regardless of level numbers. 

UDLC transcripts:

[12/11, 8:35 AM] Rakesh Biswas: A renunciate explains to PM why the prime driver for optimal collective cognition for national development is education toward a sustainable ecological balance of attitude, ethics, communication, aka AETCOM and not let the youth fall prey to material pleasure driven vyabhichara 

[12/11, 8:37 AM] Prof S : With " vyavichar" all around, ......such lecturing has any value???🤷🏻‍♀️

[12/11, 8:39 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Once it comes as an NMC circular it will

[12/11, 8:40 AM] Prof S Physiology  : Well, let me be hopeful

[12/11, 8:47 AM] Prof S Physiology : Looks really good on-papers….

[12/11, 9:09 AM] Rakesh Biswas: And in video as in the above?

[12/11, 9:13 AM] Prof SaKlesh Peds  : Even better

[12/11, 9:55 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Thanks for the profound inputs that acted as a cognitive stimulant.

Yes it's a dimensionality issue! When we say it looks good on paper we could mean current academic learning that is predominantly in two dimensional spaces that can often appear unreal to those who don't live inside their device screens! 

In fact most academic learning has currently evolved into a process of objectively structuring subjective complex multidimensional real life data (blooms level 3-5) into a two dimensional space (blooms level 1 aka knowledge) that can be stored forwarded asynchronously and modeled conceptually to gain understanding (blooms level 2) through further analysis ( level 4) and evaluation (level 5) and then relooped into the learning ecosystem as creative communication/publication (level 6). This learning is cyclic and one can keep moving in and out of these levels at any entry or exit point regardless of level numbers. 

Is it possible to learn directly from 3 dimensional lived life experiences doing away with the 2 dimensional modeling altogether? 

Perhaps humans would need something like a biologically implanted multimodal AI tool in their BNNs to achieve that? @⁨Dr Avneesh Khare 🇮🇳⁩ 

More about our ongoing tryst to osce clinical dimensionality here👇

[12/12, 9:18 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Creating an ontology difference when there's none.

Labelling and sorting.

It's there now too,in different context.

Castes became religions and nations..

Only solution for this is intergalactic interdimensional travel/posthumanism.

Gotta involve aliens into the equation

[12/12, 9:20 AM] Rakesh Biswas: No ontologic difference between god, humans and AI...liens

[12/12, 9:23 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Again spurred my recent thoughts on dimensionality. 

While I have become recently convinced how we academics are essentially engaged in converting three dimensional multimodal reality into manageable two dimensions, I was pondering about what would it be like to live in a unidimensional world of singularity? 

Have postponed my google searching on it for now but if anyone here is interested in collaborating on the paper below then could help by sharing more about dimensionality to begin with :

[12/12, 9:22 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Politics between god and deities/aliens too!

[12/12, 9:25 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Aka anava mala that gives us our sense of separation as an object rather than being a subject and that also creates this constant sense of something that is lacking

[12/12, 9:31 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Exploring the concept of a unidimensional world is intriguing. In such a reality, complexity and diversity might be drastically reduced, potentially leading to a simpler existence.(Which is good too-Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication) However, it raises questions about perception, experience, and the nature of existence itself.

[12/12, 9:32 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: 'Selfish gene' as mentioned by Richard dawkins,keeps the duality game going forever

[12/12, 9:33 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Also think how would life be in the x axis without the y axis? 

Would it be like a singular point or bindu that is essentially a cross-section of the x or y axis?

[12/12, 9:34 AM] Rakesh Biswas: The two dimensional world that we academics love to create and where a large population hooked to their mobile screens also reside is also known as flat land

[12/12, 9:35 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Less variables in 2d mobile world compared to 3d outer world.

No variables in singularity

[12/12, 9:38 AM] Rakesh Biswas: How would it be like to reside in a world with no variables? 

First chapter of conscious notebook? 

Topic for eschatology? 

Real world revisitation of dimensionality :

Revisited anew this amazing composition by Kabiguru on his birthday on the 25th of Baisakh

The raga kanada as a hindusthani raagang is itself not spoken of much and not much exists other than it's carnatic take, which itself has controversial origins!  

Sadharana/Komal Gandhar (Ga) and Chaturshruti/Shudda/Komal Dhaivat (Dha) are vakra (zigzag) in descent and are used in phrases like gMR and dnP. 

Thought I would update the translation keeping with the times :

Here it goes :

Are you just a few pixels 

Creating an illusion 

In my mobile x-y axis screen!

Are you not as real as 

What I can see of 

The cells and celĺ-estial bodies 

Trillions apparently lying  sessile 

Inside a human body as tissue 

And trillions in it's gut 

Going back and forth 

In it's internal and external medicine journeys?

Your cell-estial essentials 

Seem to throb in it's multidimensionality 

While you remain aloof in a dual dimension?

It seems it was just the other day 

That I felt you in all your real dimensional glory 

Although it could have been a million years from now 

It's difficult to tell 

I do know this now 

You're not just a 

Pixellated image 

You are everything 

That keeps my Android body going 

I thank my electric stars 

And cell-estial electric sheep 

That I can't count and yet know 

That they are the poetry 

Inside the poet 

Original translation by Kabiguru himself:

Are you a mere picture, and not as true as those stars, true as this dust? They throb with the pulse of things, but you are immensely aloof in your stillness, painted form. The day was when you walked with me, your breath warm, your limbs singing of life. My world found its speech in your voice, and touched my heart with your face. You suddenly stopped in your walk, in the shadow- side of the forever, and i went on alone. Life, like a child, laughs, shaking its rattle of death as it runs; it beckons me on, i follow the unseen; but you stand there, where you stopped behind that dust and those stars; and you are a mere picture. No, it cannot be. Had the lifeflood utterly stopped in you, it would stop the river in its flow, and the footfall of dawn in her cadence of colours. Had the glimmering dusk of your hair vanished in the hopeless dark, the woodland shade of summer would die with its dreams. Can it be true that i forgot you? We haste on without heed, forgetting the flowers on the roadside hedge. Yet they breathe unaware into our forgetfulness, filling it with music. You have moved from my world, to take seat at the root of my life, and therefore is this forgetting-remembrance lost in its own depth. You are no longer before my songs, but one with them. You came to me with the first ray of dawn. I lost you with the last gold of evening. Ever since I am always finding you through the dark. No, you are no mere picture.

Original in Bengali :

Tumi ki keboli chhobi,shudhu pote likha Oi - je sudhur niharika Jaara kore aachhe bhir aakasher nir, Oi jaara dinraatri Aalo haathe choliyachhe aandharer jaatri Groho taara robi, Tumi ki taader moto satya nao, Haay chhobi, tumi shudhu chhobi. Nayonosamukhe tumi naai, Nayoner maajhkhaane niyechho je thnaai - aaji taai Shyamale shyamal tumi, nilimay nil. Aamar nikhil tomate peyechhe taar antorer mil. Naahi jaani, keho naahi jaane. Tabo sur baaje mor gaane, Kobir antore tumi kobi - Nao chhobi, nao chhobi, shudhu nao chhobi.

তুমি কি কেবলই ছবি, শুধু পটে লিখা।

              ওই-যে সুদূর নীহারিকা

          যারা করে আছে ভিড়   আকাশের নীড়,

              ওই যারা দিনরাত্রি

আলো হাতে চলিয়াছে আঁধারের যাত্রী   গ্রহ তারা রবি,

          তুমি কি তাদের মতো সত্য নও।

                        হায় ছবি, তুমি শুধু ছবি॥

              নয়নসমুখে তুমি নাই,

          নয়নের মাঝখানে নিয়েছ যে ঠাঁই-- আজি তাই

              শ্যামলে শ্যামল তুমি, নীলিমায় নীল।

আমার নিখিল   তোমাতে পেয়েছে তার অন্তরের মিল।

                        নাহি জানি, কেহ নাহি জানে--

                   তব সুর বাজে মোর গানে,

                        কবির অন্তরে তুমি কবি--

                   নও ছবি, নও ছবি, নও শুধু ছবি॥

Other poems in the consciousnotebook: 

Monday, January 15, 2024

UDLCO : Makar Sankranti and the wheel of dharma


[1/15, 10:08 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Wish you a very Happy Makar Sankranthi everyone.

Today,the Sun enters Capricorn constellation

[1/15, 12:05 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: 

Sankranthi is literally a festival of cows,harvest and joint family.

It's huge festival in Telugu states..

Kites,Rangoli and Harikatha too.

In Rayalaseema,we can see cows walking in houses only..And covering entire floor with holy cowshit.

And for Sankranthi,like,entire joint family unites,reap the harvest,fly kites,cook snacks enough till Summer holidays and chill.

One of the finest festivals.

Festivals,cows,temples,joint families should be protected yo!
Especially in 21st century.

Those are the major things gelling the culture together..

And after Jan 22nd,they should only accelerate more in full throttle mode,instead of getting lax

[1/15, 12:27 PM] Channu: Agree

[1/15, 12:34 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Why is it called makar Sankranti? 

I'm intrigued by the word makar that has iconographic allusions to transhumanism:

[1/15, 12:36 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: 

Sun enters the constellation of Capricorn.

There's also Mesha Sankranthi(Sun enters the constellation of Aries).

We can consider them as start of Kharif and Rabi in new gen anglicized lingo

[1/15, 12:43 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Yes but why is Capricorn the goat substituted with a transhuman animal makara by Indian astrology? 

Also where do the pancha makaras figure in this terminology twister

[1/15, 12:44 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Artistic expression and symbolism of observations of Constellations by early humans

[1/15, 12:44 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: 

@⁨Pt DM Asth HYD any inputs?

[1/15, 12:52 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Pancha makara ante enti?

[1/15, 12:58 PM] Pt DM Asth HYD:

 Tantrika Vidya essentials

[1/15, 12:59 PM] Pt DM Asth HYD: Madam, mamsam, Mataram, Mudra and Maidhunam.

Mudra means Dhanyam

[1/15, 1:00 PM] Pt DM Asth HYD: *madyam (wine)
[1/15, 1:00 PM] Pt DM Asth HYD2  Dinesh Father: *matsyam (chepa/fish)

[1/15, 1:02 PM] Pt DM Asth HYD: This is against vaidika upasana

[1/15, 1:02 PM] Pt DM Asth HYD: It is tantrika upasana

[1/15, 1:03 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: I guess all Upasanas get together to make Sanathan Dharma.

Collaborating with each other

@⁨Rakesh Biswas⁩ 
Your inputs?

[1/15, 1:04 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Can we call the collaboration of all Upasanas as metatantrism?Or metapsych?

[1/15, 1:06 PM] Pt DM Asth HYD: Erlier days Vijayawada Kanaka Durga had Tantrika pooja later AdiShankaracharya by SriChakra Pratishta converted it into Vaidika Shakti.  Now the daily poojas performed as per vaidika sampradaya👍

[1/15, 1:08 PM] Pt DM Asth HYD: Makara when in water have elephant is showing

[1/15, 1:08 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Upasanamatta

[1/15, 1:08 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Gajendramoksham story?

[1/15, 1:09 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Mattopasana.

Sandhi vibhakthi.In Telugu vyakarana

[1/15, 1:10 PM] Pt DM Asth HYD2: But one flaw in that story/picture.  Makara never catch elephant leg.  It catches elephant trunk

[1/15, 1:12 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Yep.

Croc has poor target.

Crocodile should do Tratakam and aim for elephant's Makutham(forehead).

Guess Vishnu won't interfere if crocodile aims for Makutham of elephant.

Even if Vishnu does,can focus on Vishnu's feet at that time

[1/15, 1:18 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: In the gajendramoksham story,suppose if croc worships Vishnu,but not the elephant,what would happen?

@⁨Rakesh Biswas⁩ 

[1/15, 1:19 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Capricorn is a goat from western astrology while makara is a different beast from Indian astrology where it's representation of makar rasi may not be the same as constellation. 

rāśi (Sanskrit: राशि) is a 30° arc of the orbit of the Sun around the Earth[12] (i.e an arc of the ecliptic).

Different cultures have seen patterns in the sky unique to their history. Many cultures share some constellations (Orion is a notable example), but most don’t.

[1/15, 1:20 PM] Pt DM Asth HYD2: We follow  Chandrayana.

Makara is Capricorn

[1/15, 1:29 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Makar Sankranti is one of the few Hindu festivals that align with the solar cycle.

[1/15, 1:21 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Orion belt is a very new term.

It's called Saptarshi mandalam since eons in this land.

Even Nostradamous mentioned it as 13th constellation in his Quatrain writings

[1/15, 1:22 PM] Rakesh Biswas: No Saptarshi is known as the great bear or ursa major by the West

[1/15, 1:24 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Saptarshi mandala is orion belt and Dhruv Tara is Polaris.

Maybe wrong..
My understanding.

We wl have to confirm

[1/15, 1:30 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Yes Saptarshi is used to locate star Polaris but the Saptarshi rashi is called ursa major constellation and not Orion

[1/15, 1:31 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Let me try checking it on stargaze tonight and update.

[1/15, 1:32 PM] Rakesh Biswas: I used to take hands on lectures in star watching during my college days for school camps. Can show you all the constellations and their stars in any properly dark night sky. Maybe this can be a metapsych elective

[1/15, 1:33 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: I do the same too.

Have got quite a few dates worked out on this too.

Can show you guys atleast 4 to 5 constellations

[1/15, 1:50 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: @⁨Rakesh Biswas⁩ 
Shall we have to understand the Gajendramoksham story as victim playcard and submission of elephant?

Isn't crocodile doing it's dharma(aka feeding on its hunger?)

[1/15, 2:03 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Both crocodile (aka Huhu a Gandharva king on his past life regression evaluation)and Gajendra (Indradyumna in his past life regression evaluation) attained moKsha

[1/15, 2:05 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Exactly.

Moksha is inevitable,nonetheless.

Because it is what there is.

This would only pull us to realism rather than spiritual escapism.

[1/15, 2:51 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: I'd agree that focus is important.

But what we focus on?Is that important?

Can we cultivate diverse focus which can disrupt establishments?

Can focus only be targeted?

@⁨Rakesh Biswas⁩

[1/15, 2:53 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Plurality can cultivate diverse streams and all these focused rivers (ontologies) end in the ocean (epistemology) of bliss (singularity)

[1/15, 2:53 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Can we focus just on disruption?regardless of any ontological constraints of medicine,science,politics etc?

[1/15, 2:55 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Complexity and chaos (disruption) is an integral part of real world systems and loss of complexity and chaos is closer to death

[1/15, 2:55 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Perhaps

[1/15, 4:15 PM] Prof Prashant Oman Peds: We need ontology of agreements…. And even better, a mixed pragmatic position.

[1/15, 4:16 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: 💯agree sir.

For all I know,I may be blinded from my positions.

I'm always open for criticisms and discussions everytime

[1/15, 5:01 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Profound point 👏👏

Ontology is the specification of objects and their ties and objects can't be tied without their agreement particularly in self evolving systems be it nature or artificial life (as is our current frame of reality). 

Those objects that disagree fall apart into dissolution aka driven by shiva the destroyer into a black hole of singularity 

Those objects that are forced into coercion and creativity by forces of synthesis aka Brahma continue to weave our epistemological tapestry while Vishnu the arm chair physician entrusted with minimalist maintenance enjoys the position of observer!

[1/15, 5:02 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Dharma is very simple.

In Telugu,Amma and aavu(Mother and cow) is dharma

[1/15, 5:03 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Is Bharatamaata(aka our sovereign land) amma?

[1/15, 5:07 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Whatever we have left now!

[1/15, 5:07 PM] Rakesh Biswas: They are forces of maintenance 

Dharma is being part of the universe governed by the three forces 

One doesn't need to practice dharma. 

Just be.

[1/15, 5:08 PM] Rakesh Biswas: The universe is not just land! 

There are intergalactic social determinants of how one can "just be"

[1/15, 5:08 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Dharma is real.
And what balances the 2nd law of thermodynamics of entropy.

It's not practice.
It's counteractivity

[1/15, 5:09 PM] Rakesh Biswas: It's just a wheel that shall keep moving regardless of dinosaurs or humans ruling the blue planet

[1/15, 5:09 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Nailed it

[1/15, 5:33 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Idealism

[1/15, 5:38 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: @⁨Channu New⁩ what's the difference between idealism,realism and wokism?

[1/15, 7:10 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Did we become owners of Pramana of 1.4 billion population because we are qualified and doctors?

@⁨Prof Prashant Oman Peds⁩

[1/15, 9:28 PM] Prof Prashant Oman Peds: Assuming that I understood your Q correctly … 

We are not the owners and/or pramana of science in the sense that we have no direct or complete access to the truth of the real world…. we are not the only ones who can access or contribute to scientific knowledge, as there are other forms of knowledge and ways of knowing that may complement or challenge science. 

But we are the pramana of science in the sense that we participate in the social process of creating & even challenging knowledge abt the real world (through intuition, observation, scepticism, logic, authority, so on).

[1/15, 9:29 PM] Prof Prashant Oman Peds: Scientists don’t have have bias or prejudice. So, before jumping to conclusions (that suit a set of prejudices, beliefs or ideology)….. we have the responsibility to check the accuracy of info. Is it validated , critiqued, or attested by peers or credible sources? Does it provide half or full facts or just opinions? Does it use logical arguments or just emotional /rhetorical appeals? Does it ignore or twist facts and/or contradict itself…

[1/15, 9:29 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Torchbearers!

So much accountability and responsibility,it's scary and spooky

[1/15, 9:30 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Very well agree sir!
I also believe on putting out opinions for discussions!

[1/15, 9:35 PM] Prof Prashant Oman Peds: A real world exists independently of our perceptions and interpretations (critical realism perspective) …. And that our knowledge of this world tends to be partial, fallible, and socially constructed..

[1/15, 9:59 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: What's real world?🤔

[1/15, 10:09 PM] Prof Prashant Oman Peds: I have used the “real world” term in critical realism perspective… I mean, to refer to the physical reality that exists “outside” of our mind or imagination. Physical  structures /interactions that cause observable events but are not directly observable themselves.