Summary :
The conversation begins with the current nuanced violence against doctors narrative and is thwarted by a counter narrative from an evolutionary perspective spiced with the usual poetic licence and cynical sarcasm which generates an SOS call to housekeeping!
Keyword glossary : http://userdrivenhealthcare. of-user-driven-healthcare. html?m=1
UDLCO transcripts with PII removed (also for collective consensus as to global shareability and utility won't be shared outside this group unless consent-sused ) :
[5/6, 11:57 PM] +1: Hello everyone.. This is.. Thank you ... for a warm introduction and ... for a warm welcome.
I am a passionate advocate of managing one’s health to improve outcomes especially for chronic illnesses. I have focused this energy into building applications that utilize technology to improve self awareness . I look forward to working with this group to advance technology use in this area
[5/7, 8:04 AM] RN: *Sunday Story*
*A Good Doctor’s Daughter*
(A Doctor’s life experiences as narrated by Dr. Rajas Deshpande - Truth of Doctors life.)
Long story short : Doctor father who had his heartful of patients and doctor daughter who performed the same duties elegantly but with a hollow heart due to nil emotional reciprocation of the doctor's calling by their patient clientele.
[5/7, 8:05 AM] RN: For those vexed about suicides in medical n allied fields..points to ponder
[5/7, 8:11 AM] KH : There was this news item that I would be happy to share on this story.
There was a case in ... 2 yrs back where a big crowd had come down to fight against the doctor in his hospital where there was seemingly a reaction to a known drug given after IM injection. Now drug reactions are not uncommon and can occur anytime in anybody.
The conclusion of the observer was there were so many patients' relatives who had joined in to protest against the doctors running that hospital whose near and dear ones had got their lives saved in a critical condition few years back. The doctors who were facing the brunt of the mob violence were wondering as to what happened to the last 18 years of no of live that they had saved in that same community and how comes relatives who had walked out from clutches of death from that same hospital were part of the mob protest ?
[5/7, 8:16 AM] KH : We all who practice clinical medicine including myself who specializes in internal medicine and diabetes have seen a vast sea change in the attitude of society in the last 26 years of practice.
There is a gradual decline in gratitude and respect in the community, tolerance thresholds are very low and google self trained patients are increasing who rather than discuss with rationale and try to be part of the team to treat the patient try to be egoistic and abuse the medical practitioner at the drop of a hat.
The number of self trained quacks, no of alternative medicine practitioners self trained in allopathy and pseudo specialists are increasing
[5/7, 8:30 AM] rb :
No worries. This will evolve to AI guided DIY self care where all citizen astronauts can use their wearable mobile medical tricorder to zap at any health problems that could come their way. 😅
Is it Khosla's dream too?
[5/7, 8:42 AM] RN : With built in tracking by legal authorities to avert potential medicolegal cases or alert lawyers to potential cases..
The opportunities appear endless
[5/7, 8:42 AM] rb : Welcome. Would be looking forward to seeing online links to your workflows if shareable
[5/7, 8:43 AM] rb : Everything will become open access anyways after removing PII (personal identifying information) or PHI (personal health identifiers)
[5/7, 8:46 AM] rb: Anyone can clinically audit the data in real time be it potential lawyers, litigants, activists and jury! Only they wouldn't be able to identify the data to anyone in particular and the data would become part of a detailed general knowledge in healthcare!
[5/7, 8:48 AM] RN : When data science will that maturity make,
Into that heaven..may my country awake
[5/7, 8:52 AM] rb: Not a piece of cake!
It's just but one simple take
On the entire country's wake
As the issue is about
a globally warming
and fast drying data lake
[5/7, 9:02 AM] A : Incredible impromptu
r Da 👍🏻
[5/7, 9:23 AM] GM: Dear Friends,
As part of our community housekeeping, let's keep this message channel clean and free of spam. Please refer to the guidelines posted above before posting any messages. Share messages that will benefit everyone and communicate without any hint of sarcasm or poetic liberty. Remember, more than 670 people are reading your message, so make it count! Before posting or forwarding a message, re-read it and consider adding why you think it's a good idea to share with all of us.
Our goal is to grow the healthcare and technology industries by learning from one another and helping each other grow. Let's work together to achieve this.
Best regards.
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