Saturday, September 7, 2024

UDLCO: Ganesha, Shiva and the three lokas

UDLCO summary:

The conversations below try to explain the story of Shiva's killing of a child and subsequent head transplant with that of an elephant using different world views the last of which postulates that the three worlds or three lokas of Indian mythology could be simply the past, present and future!

UDLCO Transcripts:

[07/09, 22:09] SL: गणपति जी को नमन करने के बाद आप गुणी जनों से मैं एक बात पूछना चाहती हूँ । कृपया मुझे मूर्ख समझें पर उत्तर ज़रूर दें । 

शिव जी  आठ साल मैडिटेशन के बाद आये थे तब भी उन्होंने ग़ुस्से में एक बालक का सर काट दिया 
मैडिटेशन तो शांत होना सिखाता है और अपना बालक नहीं पता था तो क्या हुआ किसी का तो बालक था ।

और एक सर के बदले बेचारे अबोध हाथी का सर और काटना पड़ा ! 

ऐसा ग़ुस्सा किस काम का ? 

बल्कि कहानी यों होनी चाहिए थी कि एक राक्षस बालक को अंदर जाने के लिए विवश कर रहा था और उसने ग़ुस्से में बालक का सर काट दिया । मैडिटेशन करते हुए शिव जी को ये पता चलते ही वे वायु की गति से भी तेज़ वहाँ प्रकट हुए । उनको देख राक्षस ने हाथी का रूप धारण कर लिया मगर अपनी शक्ति से उस नीच का संहार कर के उन्होंने बालक पर वो हाथी रूप सर लगा दिया । 

बालक गणपति  गजानन हो गया । 

कृपया टिप्पणी अवश्य करें व मुझ अल्प बुद्धि को क्षमा करें । मैं शिव जी को गणपति को व आप सब को सादर प्रणाम करती हूँ 🙏

Google translation:

After paying obeisance to Lord Ganesha, I want to ask one thing from you virtuous people. Please consider me a fool but please reply. 

Even when Lord Shiva came after eight years of meditation, he cut off the head of a child in anger. 

Meditation teaches one to be calm and if one did not know one's own child then what if it was someone else's child.
And instead of one head, another head of the poor innocent elephant had to be cut off! 

What is the use of such anger? 

Rather, the story should have been that a demon was forcing the child to go inside and in anger he cut off the child's head.
As soon as Lord Shiva realized this while meditating, he appeared there faster than the speed of wind. Seeing them, the demon took the form of an elephant, but after killing that wretch with his power, he placed his head in the form of an elephant on the child.
Child Ganpati became Gajanan. 

Please do comment and forgive my lack of intelligence. I pay my respects to Lord Shiva, Ganpati and all of you.

[07/09, 22:11] SL: But this story of cutting two heads is defaming such a renowned Shiv jee - the great environmentalist , friends of all even disabled people ,  friends even with dangerous creatures like  snake & on top of all taking all the worries of world to himself by drinking poison. The inventor of Naad — dámroo , the inventor of dance & sooooo much revered because of his most noble actions !

[07/09, 22:15] RB: Here's the story optimised 👇

Think aliens

[08/09, 01:22] SL: Thanks for different perspective of the story . 

Actually, the gods of yore have always been replete with human failings. Not only those from the Hindu pantheon but Greek gods, Roma gods, the Norse gods and what have you. These gods had all the human traits of jealousy, vengefulness, lust and the occasional cunning. This probably bears out the sentiment that man was cast by God in his own image.

And these were ministers with different duties . 
The actual HE is Nature at its best is in every creature & is invisible unless you see with inner eye opened !

[08/09, 07:33] RB: The other hypothesis is that all these gods from Greece and Nordic tribes were the same but perceived and expressed different as per language and culture of the humans perceiving them. 

They evolved from the same humans who have been roaming the Earth for many thousands of years who later started getting identified with their geographical location once a large chunk stopped migrating for some time.

Those 'gods of small things' as opposed to HE were human time travelers from the future (a future where time had evolved to easily accommodate the past where one could frequent all the three lokas of past, present and future)!

[08/09, 10:54] RB: Just imagine you are a human on top of an adipocyte cell. How do you think the capillaries supplying your adipocyte cell and the capillaries supplying the rest of the other adipocytes in the tissue would appear to you? Would you be surprised to hear that you see them everyday?

Your adipocyte cell capillary would appear to you only in the daytime as the one and only Sun you can see and feel, which is actually a cross section of the capillary while at night all the other capillaries in the entire tissue would appear to you as glistening stars in the night sky also known as the Milky way.

Shiva returns with the trinity in response to the above:

[08/09, 10:38] K: যাহা আছে ব্রহ্মাণ্ডে/তাহা আছে দেহ ভাণ্ডে

What is in the universe is in the body

[08/09, 10:56] K: জড় চেতন জগ জীব যত, সকল রামময় জানি/
বন্দউ সবকে পদ কমল, সদা জোড়ি যুগ পানি//

শ্রী রামচরিত মানস

[08/09, 10:58] K: জড় কেও চৈতন্য এর প্রকাশ ভাবা হয়েছে 
অপ্রকাশিত চৈতন্য

All living beings in the material conscious world, is Rama in all the glory
Ramacharit Manas

[08/09, 10:58] K: Inanimate beings are thought to be manifestations of consciousness aka unmanifested consciousness

[08/09, 10:59] RB : Yes all objects are held together by conscious energy

[08/09, 11:00] K: According to vedanta, energy in it's pure form is devoid of consciousness though..

[08/09, 11:04] K: Brahman is the only and only one to be conscious...

All other things appearing conscious has his touch making them appear as conscious

[08/09, 11:04] K: In the above verse that Brahman has been referred to as RAM

[08/09, 11:24] RB: Yes and that non conscious state of darkness is the "shiva state" where he's sleeping and as per tantra only Devi can arouse him from his slumber

[08/09, 11:31] K: Devi is all pervading Brahman according to tantra

[08/09, 11:32] K: This she is the one and only one to be conscious according to tantra

[08/09, 12:00] RB: Also known as Narayani thus justifying the trinity!

Brahma created this illusion and game of non conscious shiva who sleeps while the game loads and conscious Narayani who is the representation of the game with in it's multiple avatars!

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