Tuesday, October 1, 2024

UDLCO: First world challenges driven by longevity and aging

 1/10, 07:29 CBBLE moderator: The first world challenges of aging longevity👇

Conversational Transcripts:

[01/10, 07:12]: Last line:

"was disqualified from driving for five years"

[01/10, 07:13]: Look forward to her starting to drive again at 101 years of age!

[01/10, 07:33] +91 ST: She doesnt need AI , she needs only "eye" for driving 😂

[01/10, 07:51] CBBLE moderator: AI driven cars will put an end to these adventures!

[01/10, 08:24] +91ST: So would a driver or a cab. Yesterday, was chatting with AIIMS director about all the stuff Ai can do and how it will transform everything and make lot of healthcare jobs redundant. He looked at me smiled and said, shashi we are churning out lakhs of doctors from private medical colleges and we have such a great human resource . What would they do. They need to do scut work to learn and grow and make mistakes and learn like we all did. That's a process , I don't know if you really can cut that . Then I did little digging found this MIT experiment of using Ai for cse grads https://news.slashdot.org/story/24/09/07/2148218/mit-cs-professor-tests-ais-impact-on-educating-programmers .
How will the future generations docs will be.

[01/10, 08:30] CBBLE moderator: Had a quick read HAQR(aka opposite of TLDR) and to summarise it drastically, google using strugglers passed the test of competence in problem solving and AI LLM users failed as they were provided the solution on a platter!

Didn't really need an experiment! I would have simply taken the AIIMS Director's word for it!

Hence the push for CBME aka competence based medical education, which is currently much maligned as it's poorly understood.

01/10, 08:28] +91 SD: That's called the abyss of inertia and anachronistic- the # of students should be exposed to technology early as a means to improve efficiency! If not, we will remain in that abyss - diros should embrace changes!

[01/10, 08:34] CBBLE moderator: To summarise this again drastically (or perhaps not summarise but dissect it drastically):

Machines are all about improving human efficiency

Humans are an abyss of empathic inertia dragged by their anachronistic ancestors and need to be driven by machines!

[01/10, 09:34] +91 GAC: What if she drives Driverless cars? Will she be pulled up for contempt of court or fined?

[01/10, 09:36] CBBLE moderator: Yes unfortunately her resuming driving at the age of 101 after this 5 year ban will be thwarted by the onslaught of autonomous vehicles!

[01/10, 09:39] GJ: good question

[01/10, 09:39] GJ: If she is here, she will have to write an essay and resume driving vintage cars

[01/10, 09:40] CBBLE moderator: This was a news piece from UK

[01/10, 09:52] GP: Can we "drive" a driverless car? 🤔

[01/10, 09:53] AK: We can "ride" it? 🤔

[01/10, 09:54]GAC : Replace it with ‘operate’ driverless cars 🙃

[01/10, 09:56] GJ: AI will not allow to "operate"😄

[01/10, 09:56] GP: AI and Language Models have brought in new language conundrums 😂

[01/10, 09:57] GJ: perhaps COOs will also have to find new jobs😇

[01/10, 12:22] CBBLE moderator: From my surgeon friend in UK who had originally shared the news clip👇

"I have met a few years ago a 93 year old lady who was fidgeting when I was seeing her in clinic. She finally said doctor I have only 15 minutes left on my parking ticket."

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