Friday, July 26, 2024

UDLCO: Optimizing academia industry (education and practice) "Letters of recommendation, LORs"

UDLCO summary:

How students are represented by their trainers do have an impact on their subsequent trainers in decision making as to if they should be hired. There is a global industry that tries to create fake representations for students in the form of exceptionally highlighting qualities that the students may not possess and many teachers who cannot possibly connect personally with 200 students in a batch (as at a given time with 5 active batches that would mean 1000 students to personally interact with), most teachers may simply sign whatever is dished out to them as a draft. In an attempt to optimise this current decadent practice that does have pluses if done well, we tried to stream line the LOR process in an evidence based manner displaying the student's work with us locally, in the form of an online learning portfolio aka dynamic E log (as termed by NMC) to his her future global director/hirer/employer.

More about the NMC dynamic E log here:

UDLCO transcripts:

21/07, 04:07] Intern and past UG student: 

Hello Sir,
Good morning, hope you are doing fine.Can I have a letter of recommendation from you for the Internal Medicine  residency application in United States in  September 2024.It would be of great help if possible.
Thank you.

[21/07, 13:12] Professor: Here's how our LOR looks like 👇

We provide a link to your online learning portfolio in the lor so that the program director can also assess it

[22/07, 03:56] Intern and past UG student: Yes sir it will be a unique approach and will also be having credibility.Can I provide you with a draft of the letter  so that I can submit in the office  after your signature.

[22/07, 07:52] Professor: 

Please text me your draft

[22/07, 09:07] Intern and past UG student: 

Yes Sir I will text you.

Thank you !!!

[25/07, 07:11] Intern and past UG student: 

Dear Programme Director,

I am pleased to wholeheartedly recommend Dr...for admission to your esteemed program. 

Our institution offers a comprehensive medical education, encompassing undergraduate, graduate, and global elective programs. Dr...has been an integral part of our department since his second year of General Medicine rotations. 

His consistent engagement and exceptional performance have been meticulously documented in our department's online learning portfolio, accessible at [].

Dr...consistently ranks within the top 25% of his cohort of 2017 batch in our personal assessments. His abilities as a clinician are evident in both inpatient and outpatient settings, where he has excelled during his rotations and internship. His strong clinical acumen, coupled with his dedication to patient care, make him an exceptional candidate for your program.
I am confident that Dr... will continue to thrive in a challenging academic environment and make significant contributions to your institution.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

[25/07, 07:14] Intern and past UG student: 

Hello Sir 
I have sent the draft.
If needed I will send it in the form of document or PDF.

Thank you Sir.

[25/07, 08:35] Professor: Here are my edits below to what you shared and I had to delete a few statements you used because we can make those statements only for a few students in the top 1% in our assessment, who have particularly worked with us and created impact locally as well as globally through their publications with our team. 

Check out my edits below to what you shared 👇

Dear Programme Director,

Dear Program Director, I am pleased to write a letter of reference for his application for your program.

I am currently a full Professor in the Department of General Medicine at the Institute of Medical Sciences, from where Dr...trained as an undergraduate 
and other than a graduate residency training and undergraduate program, we also host a patient centred, global elective learning program.

Our department has known Dr..., since his second year General Medicine rotations, and he has interacted with us ever since in his group and most of his verbal
and non verbal interactions can be accessed from his online learning portfolio in our departmental (entry year wise) dashboard
here: at [], with comparable performances of his group members accessible from the same platform, where his performance in our
personal assessment ranks at the top 25% of his batch.

Our department can strongly attest to most of our students’ abilities as we've had the opportunity to oversee them in both the In-patient and Out-patient setting and work with them during their

We wish him well in this new learning journey in your own institutional program.