Monday, September 16, 2013



Rakesh Biswas
Preface                                                                                                                        i
Introduction                                                                                                              iii
The Conscious Notebook                                                                                           vii
Prologue                                                                                                                    ix
Chapter 1         Introducing Darkness                                                                          1
Chapter 2         Once the Threads are Set…Must Continue to Weave                           3
Chapter 3         Story of Samsara                                                                                5
Chapter 4         The Class…. Hard Clinical Analyses or a Bit of Velvet, Warm Tea       7
Chapter 5         Samsara’s Break- A New Life Format                                                  9
Chapter 6         To All Members of this Mailing List                                                  11
Chapter 7         Re: To All Members of this Mailing List                                            13
Chapter 8         Con Human Interface                                                                        15
Chapter 9         Con’s Battery Powered Notebook                                                      17
Chapter 10       An Email to His Star Readers from Sutra                                          19
Chapter 11       A Collective Consciousness in your Mail Box                                      21
Chapter 12       Lets be Natural Numbers                                                                   23
Chapter 13       The Serpent Boss                                                                               25
Chapter 14       A Zillion Snoopings…Hidden Files                                                    27
Chapter 15       The Night of the Bed of Flowers                                                        29
Chapter 16       Pecking at those Thought Keys                                                          31
Chapter 17       Why Teach an Old Con New…                                                          33
Chapter 18       From Sutra’s Readers                                                                       35
Chapter 19       Pollinating for their Collective Bud                                                   37
Chapter 20       An Idiot Con’s Guide to Humans                                                      39
Chapter 21       The Failed Editor in Cheap                                                               41
Chapter 22       A Non Pharmacological Baul Technique                                            43
Chapter 23       From the Class to Hardware Lab… Changing Domains                     45
Chapter 24       Hardware Intensive Care                                                                   47
Chapter 25       Down to Earth Human Notebooks                                                     49
Chapter 26       The Drowning Differentials                                                               51
Chapter 27       Creation: Assembling from Junk                                                       53
Chapter 28       First Rain Last Night; Poo-Wee, Yuck, Drat…End of an Illusion of Eternal Spring       55
Chapter 29       Anatomy- Hardware Junk Lab                                                          57
Chapter 30       Spring, Finally, Overnight BLOOM!!!!!!!.                                        59
Chapter 31       Whatever You Wish is What you Get                                                61
Chapter 32       Needed Urgent: Passionate Lover for a Bored Wife                            63
Chapter 33       Falling into a Different Dream                                                          65
Chapter 34       Swiss Cheese Home Delivered                                                            67
Chapter 35       Neonatal Antics…LCD Dreams                                                          69
Chapter 36       Gaming...Daily Kicking the Invisible Football Amidst Us                   71
Chapter 37       A Mound of Honey Tipped Neurocortices                                          73
Chapter 38       A Lot to Weave, Figure Out, Juggle                                                  75
Chapter 39       Anatomy and Physiology of Relationships                                          77
Chapter 40       The Decision Tree                                                                              79
Chapter 41       An Ole Crone, Grizzled and Rawboned                                             81
Chapter 42       Letting You Into our Whirlwind                                                       83
Chapter 43       Really, a Whoooowhoooooowhooooooo am i Time, it has Been            85
Chapter 44       Separating the Mind from its Silicon Chips                                       87
Chapter 45       Network Topology of the Narrative                                                   89
Chapter 46       From a Death Ravine                                                                        91
Chapter 47       To Life Divine                                                                                   93
Chapter 48       Buying and Selling Cons in a Global Market                                     95
Chapter 49       A Story about the Birth of One                                                         97
Chapter 50       Words and Ideas                                                                               99
Chapter 51       Smashed to Smithereens...Picking up Memory Fragments                101
Chapter 52       Like Fruit Bats in the Moonlight Gleaming                                      103
Chapter 53       A Fragmented Con in Small Things                                                 105
Chapter 54       Identifying and Plucking Leaves in the Evidence Jungle                   107
Chapter 55       Principles of External-Internal Medicine                                          109
Chapter 56       Add-Ons to Consciousness                                                               111
Chapter 57       A Mediaeval Specialty Clinic                                                           113
Chapter 58       The Medical Grocery Shop                                                              115
Chapter 59       Quest for Chemical Individuality                                                     117
Chapter 60       Listening to Patients and Teachers Alike                                          119
Chapter 61       A Young Alcoholic Cirrhotic                                                           121
Chapter 62       Bedside Troubleshooting: A Systems Approach                                123
Chapter 63       Summarizing Livers and Rivers Within                                            125
Chapter 64       Discussing the Whole                                                                       127
Chapter 65       The Pump that Runs our Rivers                                                      129
Chapter 66       Behind a Failing Pump: The Ailing Person                                      131
Chapter 67       System Trouble: A Yellowed Display Virus                                      133
Chapter 68       The Inoculated System                                                                     135
Chapter 69       The Letter from a Virus 1-5                                                             137
Chapter 70       Hunger for Food and Air                                                                143
Chapter 71       Airways Opening into System-Rivers                                               145
Chapter 72       Moving Muscles and Stories                                                             147
Chapter 73       Possibilities Jumping and Quivering                                                149
Chapter 74       Seems as if it was just the Other Day                                               151
Chapter 75       Like a Whiff of Rain Swept Earth                                                   153
Chapter 76       Eeeeek, or Should it be Mmmmmmmmmmf...I Sniff Some Pain,
A Deep Breath or Two                                                                    
Chapter 77       House Plants Cruising through Summers Bliss                                 157
Chapter 78       Piercing Individual Universes                                                          159
Chapter 79       Waiting for the Mountain                                                               161
Chapter 80       Flying in a Magic Carpet                                                                 163
Chapter 81       Bird Billions, Beeping Tweeting Whistling with the River-Tunes      165
Chapter 82       The Birding Resident                                                                       167
Chapter 83       The Bronchial Tree                                                                          169
Chapter 84       Evaluating Mechanical Trouble Shooting Skills                               171
Chapter 85       On Failing the Acid Test                                                                 173
Chapter 86       Searching...Searching Yellow Eyes                                                   175
Chapter 87       The Train Journey 1-3                                                                     177
Chapter 88       On Being a Medical Student 1                                                         181
Chapter 89       On Being a Medical Student 2                                                         183
Chapter 90       Macchapucchare College of Medicine                                               185
Chapter 91       Settling Down to a New Dream                                                        187
Chapter 92       The Story of Glomerular Injury 1-7                                                 189
Chapter 93       Going Up and Down Tops and Bottoms                                           199
Chapter 94       Fever Bugs in System-Rivers                                                            201
Chapter 95       The Cranky Irritable Bowel                                                             203
Chapter 96       A Dysfunctional Dyspeptic Stomach                                                 205
Chapter 97       Setting Gas Purely Unconditionally Free                                         207
Chapter 98       A Blackening Lady                                                                          209
Chapter 99       A Web Based Doctor Patient Relationship                                       211
Chapter 100     All Humans are Born Physicians                                                      215
Chapter 101     A Disc Full of Love                                                                          217
Chapter 102     Yours Sneeringly, Cheerio, Cornflakes, Grits                                   219
Chapter 103     Yes! I Do.                                                                                        221
Chapter 104     The Last Honeymoon with the Mountains                                        223
Chapter 105     Regardless, We Continue...New or Renewed Track                           225
Chapter 106     Also Saw a Bit of the Himalayas                                                      227
Chapter 107     Fly to Kolkata then Fry                                                                  229
Chapter 108     Conversations with a Mountain                                                       231
Chapter 109     Becoming the Mountain                                                                   233
Chapter 110     The Poor Old Rich Man                                                                  235
Chapter 111     An Oncogene Named Desire                                                             237
Chapter 112     A Global Malignancy                                                                      239
Chapter 113     A Bad Dream                                                                                  241
Chapter 114     Trees: Like Receptors in our Body                                                   243
Chapter 115     Apoptosis: Perishing Great Civilizations                                          245
Chapter 116     Cremation-Incinerating Junk                                                          247
Epilogue                                                                                                                  249
Acknowledgements                                                                                                  251
References                                                                                                               253

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